Saturday, January 9, 2010

it's either working, or it's absolutely not...

i forgot what it's like to be a's been too, too long...
i forgot about those moments during practice when my breath fades ever so slightly, just enough for me to hear the sound of breath in the room and remember why i'm there. just enough to remind me why people all over the world gather in sweaty little rooms to do their personal practice in community.

and then the weird guy comes up to me after class, compelled for some reason to tell me that kino macgregor teaches women to jump through with their legs crossed instead of straight...? aparently this...ummm...gentleman...thinks that women are intimidated by the idea of straight-legged jumps-throughs because we have skinny little arms. fascinating! were we in the same room during class? oh yeah, we were...he was next to me, staring while i pressed from tittibhasana up into handstand...staring while i pressed from uttanasana up into handstand, legs together...straight...guess he was too busy to stare during the vinyasas to see that i jump through with straight legs. i say this not to toot a horn about my practice, but to help explain the reason for my confusion. does weird guy think i'm doing it wrong? does he want me to think i'm doing it wrong? i'm baffled...i suppose some men are intimidated by women who are stronger than they are...

so i took a deep breath and smiled, and said "oh, that's interesting!"...and made a mental note that if he's there next time i go, i wait to see where he puts his mat so i can put mine as far away as possible...

either my yoga is working, or it's absolutely not.

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