Sunday, December 27, 2009

ouray's stealing my lover

i'm hearing some bizarre rumors (i know...pure speech...but...) about rivalries between the yoga folk here...who would have thought yogis can't get along? it's a foreign concept to me...

the way i see it, there's a studio for everyone, and the more studios in an area the better. "if you build it, they will come", no? so i'm going to a class in salt lake city on january 8th. i know it sounds lame to plan to attend an ashtanga class so far ahead of time, but it's a friday night during the ouray ice festival, which charlie (the love of my life) has to work. which means we'll be apart for four days and i'll have absolutely nothing to do for the weekend. it's my girl (one girl) night out on the town. big plans!

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